- From store@SCG we cannot run smallwiki without
getting an
exception. So forth we are using store@Cincom, for which it is okay
I already noticed, that there is some problem loading SmallWiki from
the SCG StORE. The strange thing is that it works perfectly from Cincom
StORE whereas this is exactly the same version. So this is one more bug
in StORE, that can be probably never reproduced, understood and fixed :(
- We cannot create a new page!
No? There are two possibilities to create a page. The first one is go
to another page (or folder) and create a link to a non-existing
structure there, after saving you should be offered a link to create a
new page within the same folder. The second possibility is to go to a
folder, click on 'Contents' and add your page manually.
What is the meaning of editing and viewing the
content of a folder?
As it was requested by the community, a Folder is a subclass of Page
now: as folders do inherit now all the functionality of a page, their
handling got somehow more complex and difficult to understand. Let me
conclude the actions available to a folder:
- View: The wiki-page associated with the folder will be rendered. As
this functionality is inherited from the Page-Class, the PageView
action is reused.
- Edit: The wiki-page associated with the folder will be edited. As
this functionality is inherited from Page-Class, the PageEdit action is
- Contents: The contents of the folder (its children) will be edited.
As this functionality *isn't* inherited from Page, I created a new
action called FolderEdit. It provides means to create, remove, copy and
move children.
- Why do we have this smalltalk sequence when
editing a folder?
[ "If you are not logged-in as administrator, please remove everything
between the square-brackets before saving the page!"
structure children isEmpty ifFalse: [
html unorderedList: [
structure children do: [ :each |
html listItem: [ html anchorWithUrl: each url do: each title ] ] ]
As explained in a earlier post, this code is necessary to make the
folders look like they did in previous versions of SmallWiki. This
block renders a list with all the children of the current folder. I
plan to factor the code out to an external message, so it will look
much simpler in further version of SmallWiki:
[ structure renderChildrenListOn: html ]
Hope that helps,
Lukas Renggli