On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 15:12 -0300, Ramiro Diaz Trepat wrote:
Hello again,
I want to use a Magritte Seaside component with a different set of
actions / buttons than the default ( save / cancel )
Looking through the list, I found that the required thing to do is
to program the extensions to MAContainerComponent, and then build the
component with a call like this:
(self model descriptionRequiredFields asComponentOn: self model)
addValidatedForm: #( register cancel )
What I am not sure about, is what is the proper way to do this extensions.
Should I subclass MAContainer and override #componentClass to make
it return a subclass of MAContainerComponent (of my application) that
implements the actions I need (like register in the example above) ?
Has anyone got an example of this sort of action overriding in
Magritte forms?
You only have this problem if you are using Magrittes FormDecoration.
You can easily create your own decoration class instead. Just have a
look at MAFormDecoration and build your own with your special needs.