Hello Lukas,
Meinst du, das
lässt genug Möglichkeiten zur Erweiterung, z.B. wenn es
auch noch Subkategorien geben wird?
Das sollte kein Problem sein, Subkategorien sind dann einfach
Kategorien welche sich in einer anderen Kategorie befinden. Dazu
braucht es wohl keine einzige Zeile Code und man kann sie verschachteln
wie auch die Ordner. Oder haben Subkategorien andere Eigenschaften als
Top-Level Kategorien?
I haven't thought a lot about these subcategories yet, but I guess if I want
to provide some, they would have properties very similar to top level
categories. So in this case it shouldn't be a problem to add them later.
So lange sind diese URLs ja dann auch wieder nicht.
Das RFC meint:
The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the
length of a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of
any resource they serve, and SHOULD be able to handle URIs
of unbounded length if they provide GET-based forms that
could generate such URIs. A server SHOULD return 414
(Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer than
the server can handle (see section 10.4.15).
Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI
lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy
implementations might not properly support these lengths.
okay, thank you to look up the RFC.
My first tought was that the URI becomes too long when we have Categories,
some Sub-Categories, Threads and Entries in it, particularly when users
choose long titles for their threads and entries. I ve also considered that
such a long URI looks not that nice for an user, but of course that isn't
important at all in a forum, especially when I use an enumerated id instead
of the title given by an user.
Dass der Titel direkt auf die URL abgebildet wird habe
ich aus Gründen
der Benutzerfreundlichkeit bei der Navigation gemacht. Ich denke, dass
dies in einem Forum weniger nötig ist: du könntest die Methoden #title,
#id, ... überschreiben und die Threads einfach durchnummerieren.
yes, I ve also considered something like that. Seems to be a good solution.
Thank you.
Today I have encountered a really strange problem, maybe you have a
explanation for this: Sometimes the redirection after saving a form doesn't
work. I inspected the response instance variable of the action, but there
the redirection is set up correctly (headers at: #Location points to the
correct url). I can't really reproduce this strange behaviour because
sometimes it works, but then next time the redirection fails, without
changing something in the code meanwhile... I observed this behaviour in
forms of the original SmallWiki as well as in forms that I built for the
forum. When the problem occurs, then I get only an empty white page in the
browser. The URL is then the same as it was for the page with the form, but
without an action parameter.
The saving of the form contents has worked properly, is's only the
redirection which fails. I have also inspected the actions and the structure
in a case where the redirection has worked, but I can't detect any
differences to a case where the redirection has failed.
Best regards,