perhaps you can help me: I've loaded SmallWiki
from Public Store
(V0.9.18 for SmallWiki and V.5 for Swazzo), and if I try
I'm using vw-nc release 7.
We are using vw-nc 7.1 for development, but if you load the latest
version of Swazoo and the other prerequisites from Cincom StORE it
should just work fine.
'Unhandled exception: Message not understood:
SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:host:ip:
SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:
That is strange, because in my image there is the message #ip:
implemented in SmallWiki.Server, the superclass of
SmallWiki.SwazooServer. You could try to reload the latest version of
SmallWiki from the Cincom StORE, to see if that help. Well, this is the
only suggestion I can think of at the moment ...
Lukas Renggli