-----Mensaje original-----
De: smallwiki-bounces(a)iam.unibe.ch
[mailto:smallwiki-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] En nombre de Lukas Renggli
Enviado el: Lunes, 19 de Marzo de 2007 11:32
Para: Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Asunto: Re: User's role based observation of the model
I think is possible a better approach but
until now I
was unable
to see a clear way on how Magritte could help
with multiple
description request. The descriptions for the objects are deducted
from class side #descriptionXX of the objects wich
collaborates with
MADescriptionBuilder but it's cache seems to
be designed to
store only
one description per object.
That's the default and what is required most of the time.
However there is nothing that prevents you from having
multiple descriptions for a single object (or class).
Descriptions are just objects that can be composed and stored
in instance-variables like anything else.
I know of quite a lot of projects that have been doing exactly that.
Do you think that to extend Magritte to
support several
descriptions per object should be the best approach to this problem?
For example you could dispatch the request for a description
trough your user model:
SomeModel>>descriptionFor: aUser
^ aUser descriptionOf: self
UserModel>>descriptionOf: anObject
^ MACachedBuilderWithUser for: anObject class user: self
Lukas Renggli
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...