for Magma.
Why does it have to be configured for Magma?
It doesnt:
You can see the persistency options available in the 'pier' control
panel, in the /seaside/config application as explained in the previous
The other persistency options are selected with a simple drop down menu.
You can switch between them 'on the fly'. Your data is migrated from one
persistency scheme to another, subject to your approval, before
committing to the change.
(note: PRFilePersistency is not working, and it has been removed from
the latest pier builds - so don't bother with it at the moment)
What is the default
persistency system?
The default is PRNullPersistency, the data is all in the image. If you
save the image you save the data. There is an option PRImagePersistency
which does a periodic image save for you.
If you switch to PRMagmaPersistency it is likely to tell you that it has
not yet been configured. Hence the explanation for this 'non-trivial'
case in the How-to.
In application
'pier' configuration.
This is the Pier > configure link on the Pier home page.
1. Add WAMagmaConfiguration to configurations.
I am assuming that this is in the 'Configuration Ancestors' area?
You find the application 'pier' configuration, in /seaside/pier, or, as
you did, from the 'configure' link in the toolbar at the bottom of Pier.
(this toolbar only appears in non-deployed applications).
When you arrive there the Configuration Ancestors area already has
WAMagmaConfiguration visible in the drop down box, with an 'Add' button
next to it. You click the Add button.
2. Switch
sessionClass to WAMagmaSharedSession
There is now a General > sessionClass with an override link.
I am assuming that we have to press Save at this point...
Having Added the WAMagmaConfiguration, the session class has been
automatically set to WAMagmaSession. (so things will work). Yes this
could use some clearer explanation I agree. Its a bit subtle.
> 3. Return to the config app and click the new
At this point you are missing a vital piece of seaside information.
The config app refered to is again /seaside/config
username: seaside password: admin
where before you would have seen
pier 'configure' 'remove' 'pier'
you should now see
pier 'configure' remove' 'pier' 'magma'
There is no direct link, so I pressed Done and clicked
again on the
configure from the Home page.
In the General section there is a override link next to Location > Magma
> 4. Create RepositoryRoot selecting PRMagmaRepository (create)
If you clock on 'magma' you will be taken to an entirely new page that
you have not yet seen which has the Create Button on it.
No such thing... The choices for Magma > Locations
- MagmaRemoteLocation, and
- MagmaLocalLocation.
Not sure what to do, I selected MagmaLocalLocation and left 'magma' in
the path field. Then pressed Saved.
thats fine.
5. Return to
config app and click the 'pier' link.
There is no Pier link. Only a Pier section header.
this is once more the link in the config app
6. Switch the
kernel to the persistency scheme of your choice.
For the Kernel the choices are:
- "None", or
- "a Pier kernel named: 'Pier'"
I hope this helps, I guess just a little more information in the how to
would have helped you along much more smoothly. Sorry about that I shall
ensure that the next version is much improved.
best regards
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