there is something strange about smallwiki and the
visitor. When a
visit a collection, it has a code like :
visitCollection: aCollection
do: [ :child | child accept: self ]
shouldn t we have something like
visitCollection: aCollection
do: [ :child | self visit: child ]
both implementations are actually the same, because #visit: looks like
Visitor>>#visit: anObject
anObject accept: self.
But you are right, the names of the messages in the visitor
implementation of SmallWiki 1 are somehow strange and confusing. This
will be improved in SmallWiki 2. Have a look at past posts in the
SmallWiki mailing-list that discuss that issue.
because I want, for example, to evaluate a code each
time a wikiItem
is visited. So it should be placed in the method visit: but then, in
that situation, wikiItems contained in a collection doesnt launch the
visit, but instead launch directly the method accept.
what do you think of it ?
Most of the time this isn't necessary: you could put an inst-var into
your visitor class, remembering the parent of your links.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli