At 17:23 23/02/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
I've never used Pier-Slideshow-MMP.13, I think it
is broken and should
maybe removed form the repository?
Well, sooner or later people will need a Slideshow component for
Pier2. Since *Pier-Slideshow-lr.12* is working in Pier2 almost as it
is, I'd vote to use it as a basis for the port to Pier2, except if
somebody decides to take the responsibility to port *Pier-Slideshow-MMP.13*.
I actually had a look at *Pier-Slideshow-MMP.13*, and am not
convinced that its design is 100% percent consistent with that of
*Pier-Slideshow-lr.12*. But, there are interesting ideas that could
be integrated into *Pier-Slideshow-lr.12*. I've started some work in
this direction, but unfortunately won't have time now to finish it.
If somebody is interested in having a look at it and eventually
finish the integration and port work, please tell me to send you my package.