Hi all,
So now I updated all configurations needed to load Pier3. I must admit I only tested
loading Pier3AddOns, but this should work fine:
Start with a base Pharo 2.0 (another version should be fine too, not sure about Pharo
3.0, but confident Pharo 1.x works as well).
Get the configuration of Pier3 from smalltalkhub
and run:
ConfigurationOfPier3 project load: #stable " Load pier3 "
ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080 " Start the Seaside server on the default port
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed:
'pier'). "Register pier as application"
And you have Pier3 running in Pharo 2.0.