I wonder if I'm really the first person who
uses Smallwiki (Squeak
implementation) for writing French.
I type for example Yaoundé (the last letter is a lower case e with
acute accent) and I get at the Webpage Smallwiki serves YaoundÈ
as this works in VisualWorks, I expect that the escaping table got
corrupted due to encoding differences between the two smalltalk
versions. To fix the table modify the method
HtmlWriteStream class>>defaultEscapeTable
^(Dictionary new)
at: $¡ put: '¡';
at: $¢ put: '¢';
at: $£ put: '£';
at: $¤ put: '¤';
at: $¥ put: '¥';
at: $¦ put: '¦';
at: $§ put: '§';
and reinitialize the class by evaluating
HtmlWriteStream initialize
Thank you for your quick answer. This even gives me the idea to have
some character combinations which later get exchanged for a Unicode
number character entity. So people can type texts with ASCII only
but still have some Unicode characters.