At 09:36 26/08/2010, Nick Ager wrote:
were silently consumed (the errors weren't
displayed) by
PRContentsWidget's error handling and felt that this wasn't the
intention of the original code.
To me, the intention of the original code has for sure not been to
hide errors, but to provide a handy solution to capture unexpected
errors. This method is the "heart" of the Pier's request interpreter
("eval"), and in that sense it seems well situated for processing
those exceptions. Of course, there is room for fine tuning, but my
understanding is that Pier has invested in avoiding such programming
errors. Still, Pier is an extendable system and in that sense
responsible for handling eventual errors in plug-ins. Error instead
of MAError may be also explained in this way.
In the case you mention, where 'Pier keeps handling
gracefully' would the errors make any sense to the user and could
they take remedial action to correct the error?
No, programming errors don't, in general, make sense to end-users.
Remedial measures could be taken if the error is related to end-user
actions. For example, feeding unexpected content (not only by Pier,
but also by its plug-ins). But in all cases, for end-users it seems
better to have an application that keeps responsive, eventually with
meaningful error messages, instead of a *wall back* window.