From: James Robertson <jarober(a)>
Date: August 23, 2004 11:12:49 PM CEST
To: stéphane ducasse <ducasse(a)>
Subject: Re: Fwd: About running Wiki on VWNC
They would need a commercial license if it was for commercial use.
At 01:06 PM 8/23/2004, you wrote:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Thomas Bernitt" <thom-ber(a)>
> Date: August 23, 2004 9:15:25 AM CEST
> To: smallwiki(a)
> Cc: stéphane ducasse <ducasse(a)>
> Subject: Re: About running Wiki on VWNC
> Hi
> I was on vacation the last weeks and now I tried to find a more
> concrete
> answer and I want to add another yes-no-question:
> -If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, and want
> to
> develope additional smallwiki-functionality, do I need to pay or not?
> We had talks on the cebit this year with cincom to put this question
> to them
> - and the answer we got was 'yes, you have to pay'. In this case we
> has to
> pay a developer license at great expense.
> This topic demands a conclusion!
> Thanks
> Thomas
>> Hi james
>>> Hmm, isn't that a contradiction:
>>> "If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, then
>>> they
>>> would need a license. "
>>> and
>>> "So, if you put SmallWiki under an Open Source license, you would
>>> also
>>> be ok on usage."
>>> Let's try simple yes/no questions ;-)
>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal use, do I
>>> need
>>> to pay or not?
>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and
>>> external
>>> use as the wiki for an OpenSource project, do I need to pay or not?
>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and
>>> external
>>> use as the wiki for a commercial project, do I need to pay or not?
>>> I hate these kind of questions too and I appreciate your effort in
>>> trying to answer them!
>> I want to know too because we are developing software which is
>> open-source and can be used by companies and I think that the
>> position
>> of cincom should be clear for all of us.
>> You wrote: "It really depends. I explicitly open sourced
>> BottomFeeder,
>> and I'm not making money off it. So, if you put SmallWiki under an
>> Open Source license, you would also be ok on usage. It would be
>> unsupported by Cincom, but I suspect that's not really an issue
>> here."
>> SmallWiki is open source but I do not understand what is unsupported
>> here?
>> Thanks
<Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library>
James Robertson, Product Manager, Cincom Smalltalk