> I can now see that SmallWiki is a tree of folders,
with leaf nodes
> being
> pages and resources. Each folder has its own name space. WikiWorks
> has two
> levels, SmallWiki allows an arbitrary number. This is a big
> difference from
> other wikis, and you do not emphasize it like you should.
See chapter 3.2, page 16 in the documentation.
That is completely inadequate. I had read it several times before
posting my message. If I did not understand it, few people will.
Class hierarchies are abstract. People do not learn how to use an
abstraction by reading the abstraction. They learn abstractions
by learning examples. Your documentation needs to be more concrete.
It should be based on using a wiki, not on looking at the Smalltalk code.
Once people know what SmallWiki does then you can give them class
diagrams and they will make sense.
"Structure" is a wretched name. It is too vague. Section 3.2
is too abstract. It says little that I couldn't get by reading
the code. The result is that the section makes sense only
AFTER someone has figured out SmallWiki.
A structure "represents the model of a single page". But there is
a Page class, as well. This is confusing. I think that what is
important about Structure is that it has a URL. Though actions
also have URLs.
If a structure is a model, what are its observers? The storage
manager is one. Anything else?