I want to add a "grouping blogs" feature to
my "in construction"
page (
), and a group rss feeder, such as that one on seaside site... which
addon is it?
Wow, very cool web-site, although I don't understand much.
The blog plugin comes with the 'Post Ticker' component. You can
probably subclass it easily to aggregate multiple blog instances on
the same Pier installation.
The plugin used on seaside.st is more complicated, because it
aggregates external blogs. It is called TopFeeder (as opposed to
BottomFeeder) and you find it in the pieraddons repository. It is a
bit difficult to work with, because properly decoding and parsing
feeds is quite hard. Load first the Audioscrobbler plugin from the
same repository. You are also required to load XML-Parser from
Lukas Renggli