Le 13 août 04, à 15:57, Serge Stinckwich a écrit :
Hi all,
I'm using the Squeak port of SW1 from Chris Burkert (BTW, i have an
annoying bug with the Squeak port : when i create a new page, the page
appear twice in the changes. Do someone already see this behaviour ?).
Hum, seems to be a feature and not a bug ... The version 0 of the page
is created when the SWPageEdit action takes place and the version 1
when the page is saved. I think just one version should be created when
the page is saved. It's more natural, pages should not be created just
by following links.
-- oooo
Serge Stinckwich OOOOOOOO
Université de Caen>CNRS UMR 6072>GREYC>MAD OOESUGOO
http://purl.org/net/SergeStinckwich oooooo
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