On 26.03.2010, at 17:16, Lukas Renggli wrote:
My problem is
that PRComponent only takes componentClass and creates a new component each time. So I
need a good way to add an existing component to PRComponent or something similar. Maybe
there is another good approach how to inject state into a PRComponent component.
A new Seaside component is instantiated per embedded-link and per
session. That means, if you re-render the same link you get the same
component instance with the same state.
Ah... good to know. I'm more after the initial state. I have a component that
has a certain object. If I want to link to this PRComponent and want to let it know about
this particular object which way would you go? Is there way to do this with pier
Furthermore, each PRComponent has a unique link that
displays itself.
So if you want to reuse the same component instance throughout a
session you simply display the default #document that the PRComponent
Sounds great. I think I'm going to need this soon.