what is the password to remove page
There is no admin-user created by default. So currently the removing
and history functionality is not accessible anymore. The same is for
the smalltalk client-side code.
Alex, try the following code to add an admin having all the rights. I
know that this implementation is not very clean and I don't even know
if it works. Just try to run the following code in your workspace to
add the admin. Probably you get some debugger, as I write this out of
my mind:
adminrole := Role name: 'Administrators'.
Structure allStructures do: [ :class |
adminrole addPermission: class permissionAdd.
adminrole addPermission: class permissionEdit.
adminrole addPermission: class permissionHistory.
adminrole addPermission: class permissionRemove.
adminrole addPermission: class permissionView. ].
admin := User username: 'admin' password: 'password'.
admin addRole: adminrole.
server addUser: admin.
Lukas Renggli