Ah, I see. How hard do you think it would it be to create a new
MAToManyDescription (or Container or whatever) subclass that worked
like this [1]? This seems like a common pattern so it might be a good
extension to the framework, and I don't think it would be very hard.
The component must already be calling add on a collection, so that add
call just needs to be selected by the subclass. Another option might
be to exchange the collection the memento uses now for a special
collection that overrides the #add and #remove methods. I'll take a
look at this today if I get a chance.
Thanks for the clarification. I hope you find time/interest in doing
more blog entries about doing things in Seaside/Magritte/Pier. :)
[1] Just to be totally clear for all, by "like this" I mean; have a
"read: whole collection", "modify: add to collection" and
remove from collection", instead of just "read: whole
collection"/"write: whole collection".
On 10/17/07, Ramon Leon <ramon.leon(a)allresnet.com> wrote:
In Ramon's
blog [1] he mentions:
"When creating a description for that collection, I can
specify my custom #accessor: rather than using the default
which then writes to my domain object with #addUser: and
Looking at the code, I don't see how this is done. Isn't the
write accessor going to get a complete collection? Is the
idea to just diff the received collection from the one the
object had and make calls to #add and #remove as appropriate,
or is there a way to only be told about the new objects in
the collection?
That's exactly what I do. When I encapsulate a collection, I always provide
the following
This doesn't work with Magritte expecting to be able to set the whole
collection, so I use a custom accessor that removes items not contained in
the new collection, and adds items not contained in the old collection. It
requires a little reflection and a pluralize method to infer the collection
name from the singular selector it's invoked with, i.e. #person for above
Ramon Leon
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...