2008/4/16, Даниил Баскаков <gdaniq(a)gmail.com>om>:
If you are
using the Magma-PersistencyManager it is quite simple.
The site contents are stored in magma.
In the new image, when you create a new kernel (of the same name) and
switch it to "PRMagmaPersistency" it will see that there is already a
kernel in the database and will ask if you wish to adopt it for that kernel.
Doesn't work... another kernel named 'Pier' appeared.
Where ?
Did you look at the preference (/seaside/config), then config next to pier.
Maybe there you can change your kernel...
But I've never used Magma too.
What I did was to export a wiki be serializing into a file and then, I
loaded it in the new wiki.
If not too big this can be a solution...
I couldn't make the smartreftreamwork so I used SIXX (available in universe).
see this post if you want to try
you have to change the persistency first:
kernel persistency: PRNullPersistency new
then also (to get rid of block-contexts or MADynamicObject instances):
PRComponent allInstancesDo: [ :each | each reset ]
and to serialize:
|xmlString |
PRComponent allInstancesDo: [:ea | ea reset].
xmlString := (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'yourKernelName') sixxOn:
(FileStream fileNamed: 'yourFileName.xml')
to load:
PRKernel instances add: (Object readSixxFrom: (FileDirectory default
readOnlyFileNamed: 'yourFileName.xml'))
there should be a magma way though...