Hi Lukas,
I also uploaded *Pier-Setup-razavi_acm_org.80* that fixes a minor
issue with PRBookDistribution. For more info, please see that package
and its comments.
Additionally, I'd like your attention to:
- The fact that * Pier-Book-lr.138* calls in several places
#trimBlanks, specifically in BOLatexWriter and BONote, while my Pharo
image does not contain this method and consequently the execution fails.
- The two other minor issues exposed in an email sent a few days ago,
and reproduced below.
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 17:47:56 +0100
To: "Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ..." <smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch>
From: Reza RAZAVI <razavi(a)acm.org>
Subject: Book navigation rendering issue report
After having upgraded to the latest Seaside 3 and Pier 2 packages, I
encounter a minor issue that could be regenerated as follows:
1) Evaluate in a workspace "PRBookDistribution new register"
2) Point to
The navigation arrows are not rendered anymore. Instead, appear
their textual encoding (&rarr and &larr). It is the same for
non-breaking space that appears as   (See for example
http://localhost:8080/pier/book), as well as other codifications like §.
Otherwise, I was wondering if in:
BOLatexWriter >> convertHtmlEntities:
the following:
copyReplaceAll: '→' with: '<-'
shouldn't be rather:
copyReplaceAll: '→' with: '->'