I'm experiencing "Space is low" warnings on a squeak image with
smallWiki in several ocasions.
This warning reapears every time and the image has to be shutdown
(some changes are lost).
The smallwiki is running in a red hat 9 on a xp2600+ with 512MB Ram.
The store mechanism is set to nil due to the StoreImage problem in
any clues?
I *beleive* this is happening only when I'm upload some file.
There is a limit on the file size of the uploads?
The upload speed is restricted for some reason? (in the lan it takes
minutes tu upload 800KB, and a few seconds, wich is normal, to download
Is normal that the use of the CPU goes to 100% when
best regards,
Sebastián Sastre
Tel.:(5411) 4553-1367
Cel.:(5411) 155422-6800
www.seaswork.com.ar <http://www.seaswork.com.ar/>