I'm ****fighting**** to try to produce a first
documentation of
The idea is to extract as much as possible from the class comments.
But when there is no comment, I cannot invent it and as it may change
in the future I do not want to spend time updating it.
I know that this is my fault! There is only very few comment in the
abstract classes WikiItem, Action, HtmlWriteStream and Structure.
I know it is much too late now, but I could try to write some comment
at least for some other important classes like Server, Page, Folder,
Resource, Storage, Template, Visitor and PropertyManager tomorrow
So please think that for every class you will write we
will generate a
wiki page that show that ***YOU*** did not write any comment :)
Your code will be read by others so....
... and that SmallWiki is still in pre-release-phase. Every day I
discover new problems and sometimes even severe bugs. By the way, the
problem with the storage on kilana seems to be solved now.
I am very sorry for all the inconvenience,
PS: Just to add some god news to this e-mail, I want to tell you that
the ID (University Informatics Service) asked me about SmallWiki. They
are evaluating a wiki to be used all over the university and would
prefer to take something developed in Bern.
Lukas Renggli