Hi all
we got a meeting yesterday. Here are the basic decisions:
Lukas will try to get the core of SmallWiki on Seaside. Monday morning
we will know more. Then David Rothlisberger will help lukas porting.
But Lukas and david can only afford to spend one day a week on that
so if you are a seaside expert, love SmallWiki and have a bit of time,
contact lukas and david rothlisberger. We expect to have something in
three weeks
at that speed. So if you want to help please do. At that time we will
release SmallWiki2.0
We loaded the security bundles available on Cincom store on the kilana
wiki to test whether the changes did by david vogel with his extended
security model are working on a real case.
David will report the problems (bad code) about his code soon.
Alex should (he is not aware of that ;)) finish the Swiki importer :)
Frederic and I started to work on simple boolean expressions so that
we can query the wiki with more advanced queries. We plan to introduce
first class tags and some meta description. And frederic will start to
some wiki management tools with tests!!!!. We plan to integrate them
on top of SmallWiki 2.0 and release them regularly.
Frederic should DESCRIBE what we plan to have