Hi Hannes,
please post you questions, comments, bug-reports, etc. to the SmallWiki
mailing-list so everybody is able to join the discussion and profit
from the answers ...
Als ich vor 10 Tagen von der Elfenbeinküste zurückkam
war ich
begeistert zu sehen, dass Chris und Stephen SmallWiki auch auf Squeak
portiert haben. Ich habe eben zur Zeit all mein Zeugs in Squeak und
kann es mir zeitlich einfach nicht leisten mich noch auf VisualWorks
einzulassen auch wenn das technisch nicht mal so schwierig ist,
organisatorisch und zeitlich eben dann schon ....
I tried the Squeak-Port too and it is great to see all the tests pass.
Thanks a lot to Chris and Stephen! Unfortunately there seem to be a
problem when submitting the login-form in my image, probably just
because I did not take a fresh one ...
Keep in mind that when replying to questions I am always referring to
the VisualWorks implementation. As I am taking a lot of lectures at
university and as I am working on different other Smalltalk projects
too I will concentrate my energy onto the main-platform of SmallWiki
solely; but obviously this shouldn't be no problem as the
implementations should be the same ;) ...
Das hat mich dazu geführt drei Fragen in der FAQ zu
I've added the answers to those questions to the FAQ:
* After installing SmallWiki - how do I get access to the example
Go to your favorite web-browser and browse to the structure you want to
execute your action on. If the action is not listed at the top right
corner you might want to try to execute it manually by adding/replacing
the action-parameter to the url:
In order to make your (new) action appear automatically, you have to
make sure the following conditions are set:
-An action should return a title on the class-side, else it is
considered to be abstract and not displayed anywhere.
-An action should not throw an exception during evaluating
#executePermissions, else it is not evaluated as some permissions are
considered to be missing.
-An action has to register to the structures it is able to handle: Page
registerAction: MyExampleActionClassName
-Last but not least, you should add the action to the current template
using the template-editor.
* Which export formats are available at the moment? Can I export the
wiki text into plain text files?
Right now there is no plain-text renderer (visitor) implemented and it
is left to the reader to implement one ;) ... Actually it is very easy
to do something like this, you might get an idea when looking at the
existing renderers: HTML (VisitorRendererHtml), Wiki
(VisitorRendererWiki) or Latex (VisitorRendererLatex).
* If I begin using SmallWiki today in a productive environment, will it
be possible to upgrade to the next versions and keep the data without
too much effort?
Yep, in fact I am doing this with
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090 since
this spring and never got troubles updating the code. Basically you
have to do the following:
-save the current image: server storage snapshot
-stop the storage thread by evaluating: server storage: nil
-stop the web-server by evaluating (most of the time not even
necessary): server stop
-connect to StORE and load updates
-run the tests to see if nothing got broken
-start the web-server by evaluating (if you have stopped it): server
-browse to your wiki and check if everything is still there (if
something is broken, you still have your old image!)
-start the storage thread by evaluating: server storage: ImageStorage
-save the current image: server storage snapshot
Als ersten kleines Bsp. möchte ich konkret das
Glossar (ca. 200
linguistische Fachbegriffe), die wir im Swahili-Kurs verwenden über
das SmallWiki editieren lassen
Bei Swahili kommt man mit nur-ASCII klar.
A glossary of linguistic expressions seem to be an interesting project
to use SmallWiki for.
Ich möchte also das SmallWiki als kollaborativen
Editor für einfache
HTML-Texte (später auch zwischen Afrika und Europa) verwenden; wichtig
ist für mich der Import und Export der Dateien.
What you could do is to write a visitor rendering the content of a page
as plain-text. Then you add an action to provide the output of that
page as a download. So finally you have a link on every-page, where you
are be able to download those generated files ...
Was ist bereits eingebaut und aus Benutzersicht
einfach zugänglich?
There is no such a thing yet, but I am doing the documentation using a
latex-visitor, what is probably very similar to your needs. Although I
don't use the latex-visitor yet to generate files from within
SmallWiki-Pages, but instead I parse and generate the documentation
using the class- and method-comments of my code. However it is simple
to add an action to use that visitor to export wiki-pages from within
SmallWiki, if you like I can come up with an (almost no lines-of-code)
example ...
Wenn ich ein SmallWiki-Image (inkl. VM) auf einem
jemanden weitergebe: Wie kann er den Inhalt importieren / exportieren?
Sure, you can pass around SmallWiki-Images like any other Smalltalk
image, run it on different platforms, etc.
Übrigends: Eure Arbeit (Berner) nehme ich als
herausragendes Bsp. im
Squeak-Bereich wahr von seriöser Arbeit. Ich habe bisher wenig
sauberes Design und auch die Doku dazu gesehen. Dein Paper gefällt
mir, wenn es auch noch etwas knapp ist. Ich schätze Euren Gesamtansatz
Thanks, I am glad to hear that ...
Lukas Renggli