Hi Mariano,
Magritte has a visitor that builds the description. I would set the hook here: override
asBasicMagritteComponent, and use a different visitor. If this is not the hook you mean,
please include an example.
On Jul 29, 2013, at 7:40 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi guys,
I am using Magritte3 with Seaside and I am using the typical #asComponent.
Now, I would like to hook and execute some code in the domain class once #asComponent has
finished instantiating and setting the values of the object.
Of course, from seaside I can send a #magrittePostAction to my object and implement
that....but I am at the seaside level there and I would like to be at the domain level
(because I use the same model in other seaside parts...)
So...does Magritte3 have a hook for this?
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...