Hi Martial,
As a newbie in Magritte, I don't understand well
how the new widgets
work in Pier. For my personal web site I'm programming in Pier, I
created a PRBoxWidget instance to encapsulate other widgets.
widgets are essentially just Seaside components, but instead of
#renderContentOn: you override #renderWidgetOn:. They also provide a
settings command so that administrators can configure them from the
web. It is also possible to plug in any Seaside component, e.g. the
Sushi Store, but these are not configurable from the web.
In my case, I like to have two instances of my site
main class in
my disptacher:
one for admin displaying everything and one for everybody with only a
PRSearchWidget and a PRTree (no commands, no views); each one pointing
to the same kernel. So until you don't know the url to access to the
admin path you don't see the 'login' link.
I did this using:
PRBoxWidget subclass: #MyNavigationWidget
instanceVariableNames: 'adminPool userPool' ...etc
self adminConfigFlag ifTrue:
[adminPool do: [:ea | html render: ea] separatedBy: [html
with adminConfigFlag being a simple boolean in the associated
super initialize.
adminPool := Array with: PRTreeWidget new with: PRCommandsWidget
new with: PRViewsWidget.
userPool := Array with: PRTreeWidget new with: PRSearchWidget
Not a beautiful OO way to do things but it worked. But now I am a bit
lost. If you understand what I mean (and you have time), I'll be glad
you shortly explain where to look for to change this in the new way
because now it doesn't work.
The new way? I guess I didn't change anything special there, just the
way components get initialized using Magritte? If this breaks
something this was not intentional. Maybe you need to reset the
settings of the widgets.
It's maybe a easy task to do but I don't know
how to rethink my
Did my latest changes break something in particular? Do you have a
stack trace? What is the particular problem?
PS: great change in visitParagraph: . It's cool. I
did those kinds of
modification in order to avoid a <div class='paragraph'> in the
start of
the default page (as I need to manage two absolute divs). Your way
is better.
Thanks. I wanted to blog about that. This is absolutely needed to
create sophisticated CSS layouts ...
Lukas Renggli