Looks cool ;-)
Yes, this is a known problem of Seaside, making it impossible to
strip of the parts of the path not ment for Pier. The problem is,
that the WAApplication doesn't know how it is nested into
WADispatcher, and in your case this is not the same as the base-path.
You seem not to have loaded the latest code of Pier. In there there
is a ugly hack, fixing this particular problem by looking at the path
and trying to strip-off /seaside/pier if this makes sense. Well, only
a temporary solution, but it should solve your problem
uhmm I thought I had the latest one... what's funny is it work for
WACalendar in the environment and not in the content panel. Anyway, I'll
check or I'll provide the full web adress as I did for some to avoid to
load all scripts and style sheets for the ajax demos. That makes me ask
you if we have to load all of them in the main pier configuration if
needed in child components ?
Also I noticed there isn't the remove command
... How to remove an
existing structure ?
I don't see any commands on your Pier instance? Did you install a
Security plugin? Else you can always delete a page by sending an URL
of the following form: "/mypage?command=PRRemoveCommand". This should
show clearly how important it is to properly setup one of the
available security frameworks for all public accessible pier sites ;-)
Oh yes I understand :)
actually I didn't... I just removed the tree and command widget from the
I 'll see what I can do
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