Lukas Renggli schrieb:
What you could do is to create a subclass of
specify that in #componentClass: of your description and override
#add. This is where #new is called.
Thanks for the update - I thought I simply
missed something. I'll go the
subclass path then.
When building Magritte I found it very difficult for
1:1 and 1:m
relations to get generally useful semantics and user-interfaces. What
Magritte does by default might make sense in a some cases, but usually
you need to go a bit deeper and write some glue code to make it
cleanly integrate into your application.
Thanks for the explenation - I have to
admit that even with those
"limitations" Magritte simply blows me away! I enhanced my model classes
a bit to play nicer with Magritte and alreay threw away hundreds of
lines of manual Seaside code already! I love it! :-)