It I keep calling PRPierFrame.initialize, can I just
keep creating
instances? Or should each image only run one?
No, it is possible to run several instances in one image. You can
create new kernels by evaluating:
PRPierFrame initialize.
and then answering to the questions:
Would you like to create a Seaside application for Pier?
-> yes
Would you like to create a new Pier kernel?
-> yes
Please enter the name of your Pier kernel:
-> foo (this is the kernel name)
Enter the entry point:
-> foo (this is the url segment)
Make sure the web-server is running by evaluating:
WAKom startOn: 8080
and browse to
Also, what is the difference in what name I give the
kernel, and
the context?
The name is just used to identify different Kernels. You can inspect
them by evaluating:
PRKernel instances explore.
Couldn't you just use the same name for both? Or
is the name of
the kernel relevant when upgrading Pier versions?
Yes, you can use the same for both (but not the same URL segment).
No, this has nothing to do with upgrading.
Lukas Renggli