Hi Sean,
Now that I take a good look at this code, I can see of a valid reason to hide the error. I
am not sure, but I think that on each keystroke, this method is called. When the user did
not put in something valid yet, you do want to store the value, but do not want to convert
it yet.
On 21 Apr 2015, at 17:05, Sean P. DeNigris <sean(a)clipperadams.com> wrote:
What do you think of the following error handling? If
an error is encountered
converting a string to the underlying domain object, it silently passes the
raw string back to the model. This led to a very difficult to trace bug in
my code. Is there a valid reason to hide the error that makes it worth the
MAElementMorph>>#string: aString
| value |
value := [ self magritteDescription fromString: aString greaseString ]
on: Error do: [ :e | aString ].
self value: value; changed: #string
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