I wondered if you'd be able to give me a bit of a
Magritte pointer. At the
moment I'm thinking I need to support a many-to-many relationship, and I
can't see anywhere Magritte provides such support. I'm wondering (a) whether
there's support and (b) whether I even need it.
Have a look at the subclasses of MARelationDescription, depending on
your exact requirements maybe also just MAOptionDescription
I've got two lists, list A is the set of stuff
from which list B could be
built. The two lists belong to different objects. There's already support
for this in MAListCompositonComponent.
This one is used by MAMultipleOptionDescription.
However, I then need support to go back and put stuff
back from list B into
list A, in the same form as was previously used to populate it, long after
the original construction was done. MAListCompositonComponent seems to be
one-way (ie, the model supports the idea of a list of stuff on it, ie one to
As far as I understand this is possible with
MAMultipleOptionDescription. Have a look at the references to this
class in Pier for sophisticated examples on how to use it.
Lukas Renggli