Thanks very much. Pier is amazingly powerful.
On 10/2/10 12:22 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
Typically you return a PRDocument composite, as in
your example with
PRVerbatim. Also you can return a string, or a collection of strings
or PRDocument items. If you return anything else, the default
#printOn: representation will be displayed.
If you are sure you only want to use the value link in the context of
Seaside you can even return a rendering block, something along ...
^ [ :html | html anchor callback: [ ... ]; with: 'some link' ]
Keep in mind that this will break if you try to convert your page to
Text, LaTeX, etc.
On 2 October 2010 21:11, Lawson English<lenglish5(a)> wrote:
How do I format text output from my custom
I can embed raw HTML by doing:
^PRVerbatim content:
and so on. How can I use the renderContentOn: syntax so I can take
advantage of seaside's internal formatting methods... Or can I, or is there
something more pier-oriented I should do instead?
e.g. +values:awgvalues|factorialval=300+ goes right of the edge of the
webpage currently.
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...