No problem.
Check out this announcement, it has an example on how
to plug together the Comanche modules for a Seaside application:
058314.html You might also want to have a look at how WAKom itself
sets up the server (and modify this behavior).
Thanks Lukas. That gets me a file
server... as probably you wanted
me to know.
If you have any pointers, I'd appreciate it. I'm just trying to get
the going and Ken would rather not add any
more rules.
Yes, but you need to modify the example to add Seaside to the root
and not to enable file-serving. Something like this might work:
| ma seaside |
seaside := WAKom new.
ma := ModuleAssembly core.
ma addPlug: [:request | seaside process: request]].
(HttpService startOn: 8080 named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule
I've never tried, this is just a guess from what I saw in this mail.
Ken: there is a fundamental problem on the pointer.
Going to is not problem. But, if you hoover over
any link, you'll see that it links to : ...
In the Seaside application configuration there is also a setting to
change the host-name and host-port. Unfortunately Kom (and Apache 1)
does not communicate that correctly to Seaside figure it out by itself.
Lukas Renggli