I played a bit with the css to make Smallwiki modify the look of a wiki
page and came over the following issues:
1. In the morning I manage to have a table by putting | (now it does
not seem to work anymore). I saw that the <td> has no tags inside,
therefore it is not possible to have padding or margin css options for
the text in a cell. I suggest to have a <div class="tableCell"> there.
2. Also, the head line of the table has an extra <b> tag. I suggest to
replace it with another <div class="tableHeader">, so that we do not
overload the <b> tag.
3. As I understood there is a new version of SmallWiki running of
kilana. Unfortunately, the tables are not rendered anymore. (see
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/TudorGirbaSmallWiki/?action=PageView )
Tudor Adrian Girba Software Composition Group
www.iam.unibe.ch/~girba) University of Bern, Switzerland
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level
of problem understanding."