there is already a whole bunch of subdirectories (CaroAndBot,
evolution, image, javascript) in the folder of
http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/smallwiki. Actually this place was mend to
keep just the things belonging to the core-distribution. If everybody
is putting their banners there I am afraid that we get a mess very
What I suggest to you is that you upload the images/css-files/... that
you do not want to host on SmallWiki itself to your own web-space and
replace the template by overriding. As an example I'did this for the
'Caro and Bot' template:
% the basic look is like the standard-one ...
% -------------------------------------------
% ... but some things are different
% --------------------------------
% the body-tag is overridden with the custom image that is hosted
somewhere else
body {
background: white
% other things like the color of the links might be also changed,
to get
% a closer match with the heading-image
a, a:link, a:active, a:visited, a:focus, a:hover {
color: #FEC616;
#contents hr {
border: 1px solid #FEC616;
I don't understand why even someone modified the standard css-looks in
'standard_*/style.css', although the names-defined there are not used
anywhere in SmallWiki. I suggest to do this in your own files and use
them with the include tag:
@import "http://www.fancy.com/css/rainbow.css";
Lukas Renggli