- david will release soon (next week) the simplest
version of his role
management interface then release regurlarly new version.
Could you sync with with so that you review his code and integrate in
the new release of SmallWiki and we get the kilana SmallWiki always
running the latest version ?
Cool, I did had a brief look at the source-code and the functionality
of the latest version. Some things you might want to consider:
- The generated output has to be valid XHTML, that means you have to
remove all the layout information (e.g. attributeAt: 'bgcolor' put:
'#D5D5FF' or #bold:) from your rendering-code. This is like going to
the roots using only <div>, <span> and <a>, well I do not take it too
serious: you might see some <h1>, <p> and in rare cases some <table>
tags in my code.
- You still don't use the callback mechanism properly. Why are you
creating submit-buttons and then deciding what to do by comparing the
button strings? It is possible to directly assign blocks or
message-sends to buttons! I should probably consider writing some
additional SmallLint rules ...
- Please do not use JavaScript, the things you are doing might be done
easily with simple http. The application shows quite a strange
behaviour if you have disabled JavaScript, as I usually do on my
- You have references to non-standard (non-existing) css-styles.
- There is 1 message sent not implemented.
- You have 7 references to undeclared variables.
- You should get rid of all those #isKindOf: message sends.
- Instead of using the #, operator you might want to use "String new
streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: ... ]", a great thing
that I 'ported' from Squeak to build up strings.
- What the hell are you doing on the class side of Utilities? I don't
understand ... Wouldn't be "SmallWiki at: aString asSymbol ifAbsent: [
nil ]" or "self environment at: aString asSymbol ifAbsent: [ nil ]" do
exactly the same thing?
- There are some code duplications, e.g. AdminRoles>>renderContent and
- In the same messages as stated in the above example you should use
"aString isEmpty ifTrue: [ ..." instead of "aString = '' ifTrue: [
- David should check with you how/if this is possible
to have sessions
information to improve the folder/paste editions
It is quite simple doing like Zope and using cookies. You might want to
have a look at the python source-code, it is quite instructive ...
Hope that helps,
Lukas Renggli