On 4 Dec 2007, at 13:53, Damien Pollet wrote:
On 04/12/2007, M. Blanc <manuel.blanc(a)gmail.com>
This sounds like the Set is not properly hashed.
Probably due to a
in the SIXX Set serialization.
It would be really cool if we could get that working.
These snippets run fine on an out-of-the box Pier from Seaside.530
| stream |
stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'export.obj'.
stream nextPut: (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'Pier') root sixxString.
stream close.
Why use a ReferenceStream to store XML in a file?
Testing hygiene
So, what is that is not working?
I'm not sure… I installed a few add-ons and use Pier-Security.
Those refer to classes from the objects inside the PRKernel (so
serializing with a ReferenceStream would end up serializing the whole
class hierarchy. Also, as I said, some objects store BlockContexts
from Magritte conditions, and it seems ReferenceStream doesn't want to
serialize these.
I'm not really clear why SIXX would know better about how to serialize
stuff than ReferenceStream…
It's not the point, but Sixx alone is also running fine with a fresh
Pier on Seaside.530
| sws |
sws := SixxWriteStream newFileNamed: 'Pier.xml'.
sws nextPut: (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'Pier') root.
sws close.
| srs |
srs := SixxReadStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'Pier.xml'.
(PRKernel instanceNamed: 'Pier') root: srs next.
srs close.
Why don't you try your add-ons one by one?