Hi Roel,
*pdf version of this call>CallForContributions*
and created it as a link to a resource, uploading my pdf file.
All is well, except that the aliasing does not work: you can see that
the link shows up as "CallForContributions", instead of 'pdf version
of this call'
Is this a feature :-) ?
I agree this is really strange, I had some moments to understand what
actually happens: The thing is that the aliasing works for pages and
folders as described in the help-pages [1], but not for resources. The
rendering of links to resources is somehow special as I try to inline
the images, sounds, videos, etc. whenever possible. With a PDF this
isn't possible of course, but still I must create a slightly different
url to allow downloading smoothly.
As a workaround I would suggest to rename the file itself. I will try
to fix it as soon as possible, but I doubt it will be during the next
two weeks. There are also a few other problems/limitations with links
that I hope to fix sometime, but as long as nobody complains I won't
hurry :P
[1] You can also alias all these links using >. So, you can create a
link like this: *Alias>Reference*. The link will show up as Alias, but
link to Reference. For images, the alias text will become the alternate
text for the image.
Lukas Renggli