Hi Kris,
I'm very sorry that I didn't answer earlier: I'm currently very busy
and must have missed your post to the mailing-list :(
> The server where it should run on is (very)
infrequently rebooted.
> Still I would like to make sure the Smallwiki storage is updated when
> that happens. Can I somehow force this from a shutdown script?
Currently something like this isn't implemented. Try something like
this, it should be easily possible:
Smalltalk.SmallWiki defineClass: #SnapshotWiki
superclass: #{SmallWiki.Action}
indexedType: #none
private: false
instanceVariableNames: ''
classInstanceVariableNames: ''
imports: ''
category: 'SmallWiki Action'
self server storage snapshot.
To be save from electrical outage you maybe want to have a look at the
work of Ralph Johnson, he wrote a storage that logs all the changes
instantly. Another possibility would be to increase the frequency of
the SnapshotStorage or to buy USV (uninterruptible power provider) for
you server machines.
> I get the impression Smallwiki was designed to be
run headfull:
> configuration is done through the image etc. How to deal with this
> when it is run headless?
Indeed it was designed to be run heedful. We also tried to run it
headless, but there seem to be strange problems with VisualWorks. All
of our servers run with VNC, so we can connect to the images
anytime/where and interact with the system if necessary.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli