Pier 1:
I uploaded a new package "Pier-Setup-razavi_acm_org.72" to:
For modification details, please see the package comments.
Pier 2:
I loaded the same package into the Pier 2 image that I mentioned in a
previous email this morning. All of the three distributions seem
working fine. However, I had to hack the code in one method as
follows (added calls to #asString and #asByteString]):
GRPharoUtf8CodecStream >> nextPutAll: aString
ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: aString asString ]
ifFalse: [
aString asString isByteString
ifTrue: [ self encodeFast: aString
asString asByteString]
ifFalse: [ self encodeDefault:
aString asString] ].
An open (Seaside 3.0 ??) issue:
When hot switching distributions via the Design Chooser interface
in the Home page, the following call sequences raises an exception:
WAApplication (WARegistry) >> urlFor:ifAbsent:
WAApplication (WARequestHandler) >> url
WADispatcher >> urlFor:
WADispatcher >> nameOfHandler:
However, by forcing the navigator to point to
<http://localhost:8080/pier>http://localhost:8080/pier, the new
distribution is launched and seems fully operational.