I noticed that even when the reportClass is configurable in
MAOneToManyComponent there is no way I can specify it from the
It is... in my description I can specify which component class is used
to represent it (in Seaside), but there is no way to perform pre or
post configurations of such as setting the report class (pre-config)
or doing something after the component as been instatiated.
So by now I'll continue using my custon MAOneToManyComponent subclass
to deal with the custom needs I have.
Can you, or Stephan, please expand about the builders you're planning
to integrate into the next version?
Thanks in advance!
Esteban A. Maringolo
2014-09-14 15:13 GMT-03:00 Diego Lont <diego.lont(a)delware.nl>nl>:
Hi Esteban,
I think the report class is a good improvement to Magritte. I opened a development
version on Magritte where I also want to feed back some (backwards compatible)
improvements I build for QC Magritte back into Magritte. As Stephan pointed out: yes, the
report class was one of them. The major improvement for 3.2 I have in mind is putting
builders into Magritte.
So I would say: please put this change into the Magritte repository, and put the version
into 3.2.
On 12 Sep 2014, at 15:45, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaringolo(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Stephan,
I know I can subclass and modify what I need, in fact I did that.
Regarding whether to use QC or not I'm always hesitating, because,
given your two examples, I don't know which one does what. It has no
methods or class' comments.
I seems you hit many Magritte "limitations" before, and has been
"extending" it with QC, but even after watching the last ESUG
presentation QC it is unfathomable to me as a whole.
Esteban A. Maringolo
2014-09-12 7:13 GMT-03:00 Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)stack.nl>nl>:
We have a few different subclasses doing
| retVal |
self magritteDescription startEditAll ifTrue: [ self editAll ].
retVal := (self reportClass rows: self value description: self reference)
sortEnabled: self magritteDescription isOrdered not;
retVal columns do: [ :each |
each mementoCache: self cache.
(each isKindOf: MADescribedColumn) ifTrue: [
self addColumnCommandsTo: each.
each filter: true ] ].
retVal showFilter: self magritteDescription showFilter.
retVal doubleClickCommand: self editCommand.
| retVal shown |
retVal := super buildReport.
shown := self resultsDescription shownColumns.
retVal columns do: [ :column |
| desc |
desc := shown detect: [ :each | column magritteDescription = each ]
ifNone: [ nil ].
column visible: desc notNil.
desc ifNotNil: [ column magritteDescription priority: desc priority ] ].
retVal columns sort: [ :a :b | a < b ].
^ (TBSMagritteReport rows: self value description: self reference)
sortEnabled: self magritteDescription isOrdered not;
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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