when i define a description based on this code :
^ (MAToOneRelationDescription new)
componentClass: MAInternalEditorComponent ;
classes: (Array with: MAIndirizzoModel);
autoAccessor: 'indirizzoMemo';
label: 'Indirizzo';
comment: 'Indirizzo di riferimento';
priority: 220;
where i set beReadonly.
A) I found error when display it into:
renderViewerOn: html
html render: (self component
readonly: self isReadonly;
because self component answer nil.
B) Another problem is relative to the same description when i rendering it as subComponent
but with beReadonly setting.
When i do "Save" the container erase errors relative to this subcomponent
descriptions .
But it's readOnly and d'ont do any control on it.
C) I'm interested to incorporate the subComponent at the first level ( without the
create buttons )
I create a MAInternalEditorComponent subclass: #MAOneToOneDirectComponent
and change the :
"create new default value for directly rendering the subcomponent without button
self value isNil ifTrue:[ self value: self selected new.
component := nil ].
^ self value isNil ifFalse: [
(self description reference asComponentOn: self value)
setParent: super;
yourself ]
It work fine.
But the rendering is with to level the master and the slave.
I can incorporate the slave description at first level ?
Thanks for any considerations.
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