At 05:09 21/09/2009, you wrote:
Is it just me, or are link parameters in links that
appear within a
table broken?
| +embeddedcomponent|param=value+ | second column
Hi Keith,
I had a somehow similar issue with the following markup:
*Launch the Add Command with 'PRPage' as 'type', and 'auto' as
(to add a Child to the ROOT)>/|command=PRAddCommand|type=PRPage|name=auto*
Another example for the same markup:
I fixed it by simply patching two methods as follows:
MAStringReader >> visitClassDescription: aDescription
"self shouldNotImplement"
self visitElementDescription: aDescription
PRChildrenWidget >> unfilteredItems
| structure children x |
structure := self context structure.
self level isNil ifFalse: [
c := (self childrenOf: (structure parents
at: self level
ifAbsent: [ ^ #() ])) asOrderedCollection.
c remove: structure ifAbsent: [].
^c asArray].
children := self childrenOf: structure.
^ (children isEmpty and: [ structure isRoot not ])
ifTrue: [ self childrenOf: structure parent ]
ifFalse: [ children ]
Hoping this helps,