I have parsed some text in my widget, and from that I have a PRDocument,
I want to call owner: upon it as you say, but since this is a widget it
does not have access to the component in which it is being rendered.
The two options I have come up with are to do 'context renderer
lastVisited' and/or to have PRComponent-component call PRWidget
structure: self.
I have managed
to render wiki formatted text as a PRDocument in my
component. When rendering I have to set the owner of the document to
'context structure'. However as soon as I embed the component in
page, links that are relative to the original component do not
I seem unable to find any way of obtaining the parent PRComponent
the owner) of a PRWidget, am I missing something?
#owner: should only be called after a document is parsed. It is used
to resolve the links relative to the structure given as argument.