Hi Norbert,
I created a model and I'm able to use it as a
component with
seaside. I have a model where ClassA has a 1:m relationship
to ClassB. The exception here is that there is a fixed set
of possible instances for ClassB to choose for the reference
from ClassA.
Then you should use the MAMultipleOptionDescription and you get 3
possibilites to choose Widgets from: MAMultiselectListComponent
(default), MACheckboxGroupComponent and MAListCompositonComponent.
(see slide 41)
I read the tutorial.pdf. There are three
possibilities mentioned
to customize the views for the model. Unfortunately I didn't
figure out how this is working. The mentioned method defaultContainer
(which should be overridden) doesn't exist in the magritte version
I use. (I is the newest from Monticello)
#defaultContainer has been renamed to #descriptionContainer some time
ago. I have updated slides in the pipeline that I will use during a
Magritte tutorial next Monday, however they are not quite ready yet.
I even tried to set a new componentClass in the
class method.But with no effect. I'm not sure what I'm doing
wrong. Magritte seems to ignore every step I take to customize.
What would be the best way to customize on the class or even
better on description instance side?
In the Pier Unix Security package there is the following use of
MAMultipleOptionDescription, where the user can choose among
different permission objects in an 1:m relation:
^ (MAMultipleOptionDescription selector: #permissions label:
'Permissions' priority: 310)
comment: 'Defines the set of permissions used together with the
selected operation.';
options: self permissionInstances;
reference: PUPermission description;
As I wrote above this is using MAMultiselectListComponent as a
Seaside component. If you want to use checkboxes instead of a list
you could add "componentClass: MACheckboxGroupComponent" to the cascade.
Why is there an extra componentRenderer? As far as I
it out componentRenderer is container dependent. What is the
reason for having a additional method componentRenderer?
#componentRenderer: is defined in the container. It is a visitor used
to define the layout in which your description components are
arranged. #componentClass: is defined on every description, it is
used to provide the Seaside component class responsible to display
the description.
What are the best practices for wiring magritte
together? The only way I found is to use onAnswer:.
To use #onAnswer: is a pretty good practice. Also #call: is quite
nice, most of my applications use it like this:
result := self call: (aModel asComponent
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli