I've attached a ContextPart>>errorReportOn: we use to print more
information, the current one dates from the last decade of the last
century and really
provides too little data on the instance variables and stack size.
For example if we could see all of files: we chould see if the
pier.changes file is there.
But it looks like it's trying to bring up a debug dialog and failing
when it can't find the changes file.
In your image preferences have you set it to say there might not be an
source or changes file?
Also see
http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=512 where
saying you don't have an image or changes file still will trigger a
walkback if
the files *do* exist but you don't have permission to read them.
PS I note on an os-x server the file system is case sensitive, on
desktop machines it's non-case sensitive. So for
example on a desktop machine "IntensiVE.app" and "Intensive.app" would
be the same, but on the server it's not.
On 29-Apr-09, at 7:06 AM, Andy Kellens wrote:
Yes, there is plenty of space left on the server.
Mariano was right: the stack trace could be found in the debug.log.
I added it to the end of this mail.
Kind regards,
Error: attempt to index non-existent element in an ordered collection
29 April 2009 2:21:15 pm
VM: Mac OS - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Pharo0.1 [Latest update: #10213]
SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /Library/WebServer/Wikis/IntensiVE.app/Contents/Resources
Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Untrusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Receiver: an
Arguments and temporary variables:
aString: 'attempt to index non-existent element in an ordered
Receiver's instance variables:
array: #('pier_backup_2009-04-28_15-52-46.changes'
firstIndex: 1
lastIndex: 12
Receiver: an
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
array: #('pier_backup_2009-04-28_15-52-46.changes'
firstIndex: 1
lastIndex: 12
Receiver: an
Arguments and temporary variables:
anInteger: 0
Receiver's instance variables:
array: #('pier_backup_2009-04-28_15-52-46.changes'
firstIndex: 1
lastIndex: 12
StandardFileStream class>>readOnlyFileDoesNotExistUserHandling:
Receiver: StandardFileStream
Arguments and temporary variables:
fullFileName: '/Library/WebServer/Wikis/IntensiVE.app/Contents/
dir: UnixFileDirectory on '/Library/WebServer/Wikis/IntensiVE.app/
files: #('debug.log' 'pier.icns'
choices: an
selection: 0
newName: nil
fileName: 'pier.changes'
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: FileStream
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#actAsExecutor->a CompiledMethod
(98) #ascii->a ...etc...
format: 146
instanceVariables: #('name' 'fileID' 'buffer1')
organization: ('access' directory directoryUrl file fullName
isDirectory localN...etc...
subclasses: {CrLfFileStream. MultiByteFileStream}
name: #StandardFileStream
classPool: a Dictionary(#Registry->a WeakRegistry(<this
WeakRegistry is locked>...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: nil
category: #'Files-Kernel'
traitComposition: nil
localSelectors: nil
--- The full stack ---
StandardFileStream class>>readOnlyFileDoesNotExistUserHandling:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MultiByteFileStream class(StandardFileStream
[] in BlockContext(Object)>>printStringLimitedTo: {[:s | self
printOn: s]}
String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>streamContents:limitedTo:
[] in OTToolset class>>debug:context:label:contents:fullView:
On 29 Apr 2009, at 15:54, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Do you have enough harddisk space?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 29 Apr 2009, at 15:48, Mariano Martinez Peck: si, y no es gripe
> gordito... wrote:
>> Perhaps SqueakDebug.log (it should be where the image is) can give
>> you more information.
>> Cheers,
>> Mariano
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Andy Kellens
>> <akellens(a)vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get a pop-up from squeak (see attached screenshot) and I managed
>> to see the error, but I can't open up the actual debugger (the
>> pop-up window just keeps appearing).
>> I have seen that the old image (pier.image and pier.changes) get
>> renamed, but apparently the system is not able to create the new
>> pier.image and pier.changes.
>> To be sure, I verified that squeak has write privileges to the
>> correct directory.
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
>> On 29 Apr 2009, at 11:10, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> Can you post a full stack trace?
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Andy Kellens
>> <akellens(a)vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> I checked: the VM has write permissions to the entire .app
>> directory.
>> Kind regards,
>> Andy
>> On 29 Apr 2009, at 10:31, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> We are running several instances on a Mac Server here.
>> Are you sure that the VM has write permissions? Especially if you
>> run
>> the one-click image from /Applications, the VM has usually only
>> limited write access.
>> Lukas
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Andy Kellens
>> <akellens(a)vub.ac.be> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Pier 1.1.1 installation running on our Mac OS X Server.
>> While the Pier system runs just fine, I noticed that the system
>> stopped
>> saving the changes persistently to the image.
>> After playing around a bit with our installation, I was able to
>> reproduce
>> the problem:
>> - I start with a clean Pier image (and import content from a
>> previous
>> 1.1.1 installation using the Importer/Exporter component)
>> - I choose PRImagePersistency (duration: 30 minutes; maxImages:
>> 3)
>> as
>> the persistency scheme
>> - I start changing the wiki
>> - The first two saves work perfectly: Pier creates two new
>> images +
>> changes files
>> - When the third backup should be made, I get an error:
>> pier.image
>> not found
>> - I also tried to manually save the image, but get a similar
>> error:
>> Squeak cannot locate the changes file /...../pier.changes.
>> - I checked: both files are where they should be
>> Kind regards,
>> Andy
ContextPart>>errorReportOn: strm
"Write a detailed error report on the stack (above me) on a stream.
For both the error file, and emailing a bug report. Suppress any
errors while getting printStrings. Limit the length."
| cnt aContext startPos |
strm print: Date today; space; print: Time now; cr.
strm cr.
strm nextPutAll: 'VM: ';
nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current platformName asString;
nextPutAll: ' - ';
nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current platformSubtype asString;
nextPutAll: ' - ';
nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current osVersion asString;
nextPutAll: ' - ';
nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current vmVersion asString;
strm nextPutAll: 'Image: ';
nextPutAll: SystemVersion current version asString;
nextPutAll: ' [';
nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current lastUpdateString asString;
nextPutAll: ']';
strm cr.
SecurityManager default printStateOn: strm.
"Note: The following is an open-coded version of
ContextPart>>stackOfSize: since this method may be called during a low
space condition and we might run out of space for allocating the full
cnt := 0. startPos := strm position.
aContext := self.
[aContext notNil and: [(cnt := cnt + 1) < 40]] whileTrue:
[aContext printDetails: strm. "variable values"
strm cr.
aContext := aContext sender].
strm cr; nextPutAll: '--- The full stack ---'; cr.
aContext := self.
cnt := 0.
[aContext == nil] whileFalse:
[cnt := cnt + 1.
cnt = 40 ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'; cr].
strm print: aContext; cr. "just class>>selector"
strm position > (startPos+150000) ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll:
^ self]. "exit early"
cnt > 200 ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: '-- and more not shown --'. ^
aContext := aContext sender].