I've rearranged some of my Wysiwyg Pier code into new repositories:
* Pier-FileUpload-Wysiwyg - Wysiwyg editor with file upload support in a
standard image
* Pier-FileUpload-Common-Wysiwyg
* Pier-FileUpload-Nginx-Wysiwyg - Wysiwyg editor with file upload support
using the Nginx web-server to stream file directly to disk and provide
upload progress support.
So the Pier-NginxFileUpload-Wysiwyg repository in
http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2addons is now redundant. Any chance
someone with admin access could delete all the versions of that package from
the repository.
The other repositories remain the same:
* Pier-Wysiwyg
* Pier-Tests-Wysiwyg
The Wysiwyg editor is nearly ready for a 1.0 release. It now includes
file-upload and a site-map drop-down to provide Wysiwyg support for creating
internal links and embedding images. I'll update the
ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor and probably ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2
ASAP to make it easy to install. It's probably best to wait for the
ConfigurationOfPierXXX updates as there are some tricks for the file-upload
support - a WASystemConfiguration derived class and a WARequestFilter.
I'd love to try the Wysiwyg editor with a large set of Pier content to test
if it's ready for prime-time. Anyone fancy trying it?