Can you try with vw7.1 ? It doesn't work out of
the box with the
latest version (0.9.53) from CincomStore, and a user will probably
choose the latest version...
0.9.53 doesn't work in VisualWorks 7.4 either. I don't know the
person that published those changes, there seems to be quite a lot of
changes to 0.9.51 after all.
What I also observed is that it depends on a lot of different
extension packages, that are not part of the core system. Especially
there is a dependency to a security package that is known not to work
and that overrides critical methods within the core!
I blessed 0.9.51 as released, people should use this version if they
need something stable. Afterward they can always try to load some
extensions manually, if the like.
Maybe the publishers of 0.9.52 and 0.9.53 know more what they changed
and why it is not working out of the box?
>>> - Load Smallwiki from Cincom Store
>> what version did you use? The last one I published is known to work
>> at least with VisualWorks 7.1 and 7.2 and Swazoo from that time.
> I just loaded SmallWiki 1 (0.9.51,lukas) from CincomStore into
> VisualWorks 7.4 and everything worked out of the box: no need to load
> extra packages, no need to fix dependencies, etc.
> Ok, there was a debugger popping up sometime during loading with an
> unsatisfiable dependency: I just hit proceed and it worked.
>> TODO: create a correct bundle (don't know how to do it for the
>> moment), or Smallwiki visualworks version can be considered as
>> unusuable.
> I consider it as stable ;-)
> I changed the blessing level to make people aware of the debugger.
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli