I like to use unicode characters in pier url paths. Nowadays encodeForHTTP changed in
pharo and squeak to do utf-8 url-safe-encoding by default. I updated the implementation in
the gemstone squeak package to do the same. So principal there is no need to be very
restrictive in pier names.
I did some tests with changing the implementation to
PRPath>>isValidName: aString
^ aString isNil not
and: [ aString isEmpty not
and: [ aString ~= self parentStructure
and: [ aString ~= self currentStructure
and: [ aString allSatisfy: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric or: [self validCharacters
includes: char] ] ] ] ] ]
and it works well. PRPath>>validCharacters: could be reduced to just contain
'-._'. Ok, the naming needs probably to be adjusted. But I think it is worth the
What do you think?