Hi nevin
Lukas is working on SmallWiki Two based on seaside and once we will
have that SmallWiki will be really powerful. David rothlisberger is
implementing SmallBB a forum based on seaside,
the campers of ralph have been working on a back-end for smallWiki so I
let you decide...
On 13 août 04, at 23:20, Nevin Pratt wrote:
Andreas Gerdes wrote:
we run Squeak on Debian, it's lightning fast and it runs stable for a
week now with a SWImageStorage active.
Me too, I have had some trouble with the snapshot storage (CPU at
100% or damaged Snapshots) but IF you get it to run once, it seems to
be ok.
To me, that seems to be a big *IF*. I've had no luck at all myself--
I always get damaged Snapshots (except on Windows, where I get CPU at
The Bountiful Baby forum currently runs under Squeak SmallWiki:
Right now I do manual image saves. I've lost data before, but
fortunately the wiki isn't mission critical. I've been tempted to
yank the entire SmallWiki out and replace it with the old Squeak
ComWiki (or PWS Wiki, or whatever it's called). Another option is
phpbb (at
http://www.phpbb.com), which is something much more familiar
to our clientele, because so many doll chat groups run under phpbb.
Still undecided on exactly what I'll do, though.
Nevin Pratt
Bountiful Baby
The Most Complete Reborn Supply Store On The Web!
(801) 992-3137